Equality and Diversity Policy

The David Livingstone Trust is committed to promoting equality and ensuring that no one is denied opportunities or discriminated against through prejudice or exclusion due to factors such as age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. Everyone should expect to be treated with respect, to be treated fairly and to have the opportunity to reach their potential.

As part of our visitor experience we take into account the needs of all our potential visitors and look at them as individuals; we do not make assumptions about them. From exhibitions to tours and workshops and to our website, we hope to ensure that across our museum and events area there is something that will appeal to all our potential audiences. We have a proven track record in audience engagement and ongoing collaboration with a number of organisations.

This commitment to equality and diversity is also reflected in our employment policies and practices, where consultation is key to new policy development and review.

About The Legislation

The Equality Act 2010 brought together many existing anti-discrimination requirements into one overarching piece of legislation. The Public Sector Equality Duty came into force on 5 April 2011 and requires public authorities to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other prohibited conduct;
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who are a relevant protected characteristics and those who do not; and
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

The equality duty covers the following protected characteristics:

  • Age.
  • Disability.
  • Sex.
  • Gender reassignment.
  • Pregnancy and maternity.
  • Race, religion or belief.
  • Sexual orientation.

It also covers marriage or civil partnerships, but not for all aims of the duty.

In addition to the general duties Scottish Ministers have the power to impose specific duties on relevant Scottish public bodies. The specific duties came into place on the 27 May 2012 and place additional requirements on listed organisations of which David Livingstone Trust is one.

These additional requirements include the development of Equality Outcomes, gathering of employment information, production of a Mainstreaming Report, conducting impact assessments for all new and revised policies, producing equal pay statements and the requirement to undertake pay gap analysis for specified groups.

Equal Pay

David Livingstone Trust is an equal opportunities employer and, as such, is committed to the principle of equal pay in employment.

David Livingstone Trust believes that its male and female staff should receive equal pay for like work, work rated as equivalent or work of equal value, and in order to achieve this will endeavour to maintain a pay system that is transparent, based on objective criteria and free from bias.

David Livingstone Trust will:

  • On an ongoing basis, monitor all its pay practices.
  • Provide information to staff on David Livingstone Trust pay arrangements.
  • Ensure that staff are informed about how their own pay is calculated.
  • Provide suitable training and guidance for those members of staff involved in decisions relating to pay and benefits.
  • Consult with staff and trade unions on David Livingstone Trust equal pay policy where appropriate.
  • Inform staff about progress of pay meetings with trade unions and Scottish Government, as required.

Equality Outcomes

An equality outcome is a result which we as an authority aim to achieve in order to further one or more of the needs mentioned in the general equality duty. In other words, an equality outcome should further one or more of the following needs: eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.

By focusing on outcomes rather than objectives, this specific duty aims to bring practical improvements in the life chances of those who experience discrimination and disadvantage.

Mainstreaming Report

Mainstreaming equality simply means integrating equality into the day-to-day working of David Livingstone Trust. This means taking equality into account in the way we exercise our functions. In other words, equality should be a component of everything we do.

Mainstreaming the equality duty has a number of benefits including:

  • Equality becoming part of the structures, behaviours and culture of David Livingstone Trust.
  • Knowing we can demonstrate how we are promoting equality.
  • Contributing to continuous improvement and better performance.

Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments are designed to ensure that a policy does not discriminate unlawfully; consider how the policy might better advance equality of opportunity; and consider whether the policy will affect good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

We carry out Equality Impact Assessments on all our policies. Copies of specific Equality Impact Assessments can be obtained by sending your requests to: info@dltrust.uk.