African Object Handling
This session will bring the museum to your classroom digitally!
This short workshop will engage your class with real objects from the museum collection, using them as a tool to explore our shared history with Africa, We’ll also discuss the geography, culture and languages of the diverse African continent. Through photography, music, video, and verbal description, we’ll engage all the senses to emulate the experience of museum object handling – without leaving the classroom!
By the end of the session, you will:
- Know more about Africa and David Livingstone.
- Feel inspired by the historical objects in our collection.
- Understand more about how museum objects can help us understand the past.
Curriculum Links
- LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language and can use what I learn.
- SCN 0-15a Through creative play, I explore different materials and can share my reasoning for selecting materials for different purposes.
- SOC 0-02a I can make a personal link to the past by exploring items or images connected with important individuals or special events in my life.
Duration: 30 minutes.
Costs: £30 per session.
These sessions can be adapted for different age groups to those listed and can also be delivered as virtual visits.
To book your workshop please complete our online Booking Request Form.
Any questions regarding this workshop please e-mail