Who Was David Livingstone And Why Do We Have A Museum Dedicated To Him?
May 2022

In the coming months, we’ll be introducing Livingstone’s story by examining conflicting traits and behaviours, and challenging preconceived notions.
- We’ll discuss Livingstone’s greatest influences, including his wife, his crew, and the African communities he worked with.
- We’ll explore how Livingstone’s love of science caused him conflict as a devote Christian, and how he finally embraced both.
- We’ll examine why he was shunned by the same people who celebrated and supported him, and how he is seen today (including recent controversy over memorials and statues).
- And finally, we’ll address how he was a committed activist but also stood by and accepted help from those he opposed. Can we really call him an abolitionist..?
Join us on social media and get involved in the conversation!
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavidLivingstoneBirthplace
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DLivingstoneBP
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidlivingstonebirthplace/
Visit the exhibition and make up your own mind!